Thursday, December 17, 2015

It's almost here!

All of you rn: "Kam, what's almost here?"
School break, holiday, and stuffs. Where I can chill on bed all day long while playing video games or watching YouTube.
That's what's almost here. Are you satisfied with my answer? Do you want more?
Sorry, but you can't have more.
But why?
Because when the chilly chill chill thing comes, I may not going to blog, until next year, on January, which is next month.
Oh man, is 2016 actually that close? I'm scared.

I know, 5 posts for a month again? Yeah. I don't know why, but I think I'll keep with that. Just 5 posts a month and that's it. But, I may post more than 5. This is December, the month of my birth, why don't I make it special? Okay, but if I can. Yeah, I'll probably post something on 2K15's D28
Did you click it? Was it fun there in that website? Is there any miracle happened there?

I really have to stop asking questions since none of you answers.
HAHAHA so lonely #ouch

I don't know what to talk about after these things. Maybe something about what I have been doing lately.
Not much, really. This game I'm currently having fun with, it's Monster Hunter Freedom on PSP. I know, old game, released like on 2006 (maybe?), which is almost 10 years ago. Don't judge me, I don't care about your opinion about my gaming taste. #ConsoleFTW #ButIDon'tHatePCGamesTho #NoHate #MyLaptopCan'tHandleThem
But if you're gonna give me some opinions about this blog, comment right away! Since no one is actually commenting.

In this post that I posted on November 16, I said that there's only 1 person (excluding myself), so far, that commented on one of my posts. And in this post that I posted on November 22, there's still only 1 comment. And right now, there's still 1, just 1 person, since freakin' somethin'. Why are you doing this to me, guys?? You made me cry, inside. But seriously, if you want me to notice you
If you leave a comment here, I can finally know that you exist. Doesn't it hurt if people, especially that special one, don't know you exist? So please, say anything, so I that I know about your existence.
Or if you just want to keep being stealthy, umm, going unnoticed, or something. If you just want to keep ignoring the comment section below then it's fine. Don't worry I'll feed it so it won't cry. What.

I'm not starting to feel like blogging is useless since I feel like there are no readers, no. I still love blogging and I'm gonna keep doing it, and never abandon it like the old blog that I fangirl so much about Korean boybands on. I want to keep with this, maybe forever, if I can. And maybe when I'm old I'm gonna look back to my old posts and say: "I was a weirdo, I still am, and I'm proud about it." Oooh that's definitely a #Goal

If you ask me, "Kam, what is blogging to you?"
In my opinion, blogging is a fun way to talk about how weird I am with no one but myself, so that makes sense, right? I am weird.

Okay, thanks for reading, maybe right now you feel a little something, that you want to comment on this post? No? Okay, it's fine. #BiggestLieEver
I'll see you later! Bye!

-Kam :)

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