Tuesday, October 15, 2019


So guess what? I'm back, right, except this time, I'm not all, ooohh I'm sorry I haven't been posting... BUT INSTEAD!
I'm actually fine with this, you know? At least I'm back. I'm not generally fine IRL-wise but I'm fine with blogging again. This is a surprise for me to feel this way but ehh... whatever.

confuse + cacw spolier

I also know that LEGO spoiled Giant-Man in Captain America. I was like "Whoa, bruh that's a spoiler. Whatever, I already saw that." Like a mini spoiler? I'm just glad it's not something big like who is actually going to die in Civil War, does not include theories and rumors, more like an actual spoiler like the actual thing that's going to happen.


I don't know why I had this in my draft, I really don't know why.