Sunday, September 17, 2017

Directory 128

This is dumb.
Welcome to the second time I forgot about the birth of my blog. September 12.
Five days later here we are!
Also, 128th post, O bOI.

Happy 2 years anniversary, Kamfff's Blog of Weirdness.
We've all come a long way.
"Now, remind me not to forget that next year." Nope HAH NEVERMIND I forgot about it again this year ffs!! :DDD

Here is something to celebrate both, a blog directory of the last 128 posts, with overviews. This is gonna take a long time. But let's do it anyway! *I might not gonna do any formatting to the text because I'm running out of time. I have less than 2 hours.

Maybe just a little bit.

B L O G D I R E C T O R Y !

September 2015

1. A random saturday entry (September 12)
Introduction, the reasons why I abandoned my cringy old blog.

2. Just too many (September 14)
My issue of having too many e-mails.

3. Exciting stuffs! (September 18)
Telling you the things I'm excited for in the future.

4. Take me back to my childhood. (September 22)
Oh how much I just miss my childhood, video games and stuff

5. Dumb life facts (September 25)
28 "life facts" that will amaze your mind.

October 2015

6. Okay so (October 1)
Made Tumblr and thinking about YouTube.

7. Wow wow x8 (October 5)
A birthday scenario, involving The Avengers. And something disgusting.

8. I want a new phone (October 9)
Because this old one is getting annoying with its stupid issues.

9. What am I doing (October 25)
Starting to question the purpose of this blog, and of course, future exciting things, again.

10. Where is it (October 29)
We NEED the Civil War trailer.

November 2015

11. First post of November (November 9)
Disappointment after not finding This Book Loves You in local stores.

12. What if I'm the only reader (November 16)
A theory of MAYBE I'm the only reader, because nobody comments my posts to let me know.

13. Money bros (November 22)
Googling this blog, YouTuber books spoilers, and uhhh... YOUTUBE RED IS A PAID SERVICE?!

14. I'm writing a book (November 27)
Apparently I'm writing a book. Go pre-order.

15. Musician Possible (November 30)
The thing that happens to your ears after you listen to a song overnight, what is it? Bonus a little preview of my upcoming book.

December 2015

16. December! (December 1)
Pretty explanatory. Classic happy post because it's my birth month.

17. RDJ NOTICED ME (December 4)
A crazy day of noticing that RDJ noticed me weeks earlier.

18. The Feelz War (December 9)
Slow internet and blog font issues to accompany me talking about seeing Civil War trailer, finally.

19. YouTube Rewind hype (December 13)
YouTube Rewind, all the goodness and the YouTubers in it.

20. It's almost here! (December 17)
Blogging according to Kam, begging for comments, and talking about the "thing" that's almost here. Ohh, old games!

21. 2K15's D28! (December 28)
My birthday, the best day ever.

January 2016

22. New year! (January 1)
Becoming a new fan of Star Wars. And more "exciting things" I can't wait for, again. -_-

23. Back (January 10)
Welcoming random mixed up quotes at the start then a quote from Joe Russo about Civil War from a video that really gets me right to the feels, and Nekos.

24. Your Bucky (January 16)
That footage from D23 that they won't show. Just pretty much about Civil War.

25. Post title right here (January 18)
Pet Society. What.

26. Hello from the (January 27)
other side maybe? Definitely don't kill Cap. Whoops, spoilers.

February 2016

27. Hey buddy you in London? (February 2)
Check out my Wikipedia page, I'm famous. Fate says the opposite for Dan Howell. Bonus crappy puns, LOL.

28. Wise Kam (February 5)
Are you a bloody human, mate? Nekos say no. Failing the blog Star Wars style.

29. Whose side are you on? (February 8)
Join #TeamCap! Why? Find out the reasons here.

30. No thanks, life. (February 16)
Blogging Wrecking this blog for more craps.

31. (February 28)
Slow internet isn't good for watching YouTube series.

March 2016

32. Ded tired (March 1)
Learn to speak Jawanese while stressed out.

33. TABINOF (March 7)
Yup, I bought it. Here, take some brain farts.

34. Much pro very wow (March 8)
Promoting TABINOF with more brain farts, why not. Oh hey #TylerOnFallon.

35. Postertalk+math (March 10)
Civil War posters galore, with extra spoiler. Star Wars Episode VIII???

36. TRAILER! (March 25)
At last, another Civil War trailer. Also, why #TeamCap?

April 2016

37. Mop Could (April 1)
Tumblr voting campaign, election thing, for uhh... their president? Decision 2016!

38. MOP'S ELECTED (April 2)
A glorious day for Mop, our great Mop won Tumblr election.

39. Walk it off. (April 4)
Some MCU quotes. PROTIP: It's RDJ's birthday!

40. Star Wars scenes (April 9)
An obvious The Force Awakens spoilers post.

41. Civil War is here (April 15)
A mini BvS review from a Marvel fan. Some Marvel clips from Kimmel. Civil War clips. PREMIERE HAPPENED!

May 2016

42. KAM IS BACK! (May 13)
A short announcement because I watched Civil War so yeah that's worth it.

43. CACW IS THE BEST (May 17)
Not exactly a Civil War review, more like, spreading feels through spoilers of my favorite scenes.

44. Touch screen bruuh (May 24)
"I want a PS Vita because it's so cool" while waiting for my PSP to be fully charged.

45. Give me a break (May 26)
Future movies I want to see and songs that remind me of old memories.

46. Two down one to go (May 29)
Saw 2 movies, so one left to see. Please comment 'cause I have commitment.

June 2016

47. MOOOVIES (June 7)
Stucky and Cherik in one screen?? Yes please! Hydra Cap is a crappy idea though. But why not read some casting rumors of Infinity War?

48. YOU ABANDONED ME (June 14)
Go back through time, and then, see some X-Men DoFP quotes that I'm obsessed with!

49. Spoiler alert (June 20)
Just a post filled with Civil War spoilers. I mean, I copied the entire plot here.

50. Meemee (June 22)
I love TS who? I only know The Meemee Lord Sebastian. Here's Doctor Strange and Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 2 plot descriptions.

51. Trash (June 29)
Couples and OTPs all around me because I'm a multifandom trash.

July 2016

52. Gag reel!!! (July 3)
Upcoming MCU movies I'm excited for, and Civil War DVD release- wHICH MEans, gag reel.

53. Marvel Cinematic Universe (July 3)
I literally copied the entire MCU movies list from Wikipedia into this post.

54. Oh no (July 26)

55. Sorry (July 26)
An apologize and a quick movie talks.

56. das not gud (July 31)
Mini review of Ghostbusters. Being sad because I haven't watched Star Trek Beyond.

September 2016

57. Whoa (September 4)
Forgetting to post for a month. Wait, A MONTH WITHOUT BLOGGING HE COMES BACC with... nevermind.

58. Multifandom Kam (September 4)
Talking about confusing things if you're multifandom, yet I still can't play Pokemon Go.

59. Short rant (September 4)
How do I know y'all exist???

60. Freaking truth (September 5)
Nobody likes me, comment please? I watched Civil War's gag reel how bout that?

61. t i r e d (September 11)
Aren't we all? But hey I'm happy seeing Benedict Cumberbatch's back and waiting for a Troye Sivan hoodie to arrive.

62. Dan? (September 11)
Benvolio, Agent 003?

63. Sotired (September 20)
Just playing Harvest Moon on my PSP, but I'm still tired.

64. Sopissed (September 29)
OH SHOOT Phone's dead, won't turn on. FREAKING HOMEWORKS!!

October 2016

65. Trying to think (October 8)
How do I fix this broken memory stick duo?

66. The limit (October 10)
Getting more moody about the fact that there are no comments.

67. Quality (October 10)
Quality over quantity, OKAAY...

68. The worst thing is (October 13)
I express my thoughts.

69. HONESTLY (October 16)
Walking down an electronic center is a bad idea when you want a PS Vita.

70. KAM?! (October 17)
Who the hecc is Kam?!

71. The birth (October 18)
Late celebration of this blog's birth, one year anniversary. Life of Kam: The Movie.

72. Another crap (October 21)
Here come dat boi!!

November 2016

73. Strange things (November 20)
Must be about Stranger Things, what else could it be about? Oops, no! It's about Doctor Strange, wow ironic. Got a new phone to play Pokemon Go and Minecraft PE.

74. Messed up (November 25)
A huge mess, but still a fan of Doctor Strange, IT WAS AWESOME!

75. CRaaaap (November 25)
5 posts a month?? How am I supposed to do that, I've got only few days left this month!?

76. Umm (November 27)
Hey have a nice day.

December 2016

77. Plan (December 12)
As always, Kam has a plan.

78. Well crap (December 26)
The plan did not go as expected, crap.

79. Rogue One awesomeness (December 26)
The FRICKIN ENDING, easily the best movie ever.

80. 2K16's D28 (December 28)
My birthday again, the best day ever again. Or is it?

81. cake pls (December 28)
I want a cake.

82. CAAAKE (December 28)
I really want a cake.

83. cheese (December 29)
Cheese? Stranger Things! Still want a PS Vita! :(

84. cheese cake! (December 30)
Ohh... cheese cake! They're great! But I still can't have them. Can't have this expensive K-2SO figure either.

January 2017

85. nu year (January 1)
I FINALLY got a cake, but... a group of people interferes. Time to defend my cake.

86. excitement (January 2)
Virtual machines are fun, but people are afraid of technology. Do I have enough money to get a K-2SO figure? Scanning... nope, I don't.

87. experience! (January 2)
Virtual machines are fun, but I don't have time for movies when I literally have nothing to do this week.

88. metal assassin? (January 12)
I'm now on IMDb, I am famous, like Michael Fassbender.

89. am i okay (January 28)
I'm definitely not okay.

90. youuu (January 29)
Unprivated my first video on YouTube and uploading a bunch more.

February 2017

91. i'm lost (February 4)
The title explains it all.

92. feeling like vader (February 6)
You know, force-choking and stuff? Just being dark.

93. kitten (February 10)
The birth of a kitten.

94. INFINITY WAR (February 11)
Geeking out seeing Iron Man, Spider-Man, Star-Lord, in one video.

95. nostalgia (February 17)
Goodbye Club Penguin. CPI is kinda crap, sorry Disney.

March 2017

96. best CPPS? (March 4)
I give you all recommendations, go on choose one that suits you most!

97. sixteen days later (March 21)
2017 is worse than I expected. 

98. everything sucks (March 21)
I don't want to be stuck here, yet I am.

99. NOOT NOOT (March 23)
Freaking out about movies, and a lil active kitten.

100. Kamicle (March 26)
CPI and future stuff.

101. I've changed (March 28)
Am I still weird or have I changed to be a sad kid?

102. The attempt to get back my old self mobile version (March 28)
It's the sign of the times. Honestly, look at what DnP did for April fools, and Joe Sugg clones???

April 2017

103. Such a meme (April 14)
I tried CPI, I'm gonna bully it like everyone does. Then suddenly DnP gets closer, the closest they've ever been to me. Then I think making skits by myself would be a tiring idea.

104. Happiness? (April 15)
Questioning when in the future am I gonna be happy, after seeing a video of Dan being happy.

105. Losing control (April 25)
Still sad, but I guess I'll just read some Phan theories, and watch GotGvol2.

May 2017

106. May the fourth!! (May 4)
May the fourth be with you! Life and rebranding news.

107. I'm sorry (May 4)

108. REBRANDING??? (May 8)
New Twitter handle!1!1!! Back with the laptop, I explain things.

109. FACE REVEAL??? (May 15)
Oops, I leaked my social medias. I'm not a horse.

110. Hit me up publicspace ;) (May 19)
Local stores don't sell things that are MEME enough, so I wanna shop online.

June 2017

111. When I was a kid... (June 21)
Confession and expression. Ayy.

112. Back for some more dankness;) (June 21)
Just how distant my one side from the other is.

July 2017

113. henlo fellow creatures (July 19)
I might focus on quantity rather than quality but FOR THE SAKE OF IT MAN!

114. BUT I PUBLISHED ON APRIL (s28t happens) (July 19)
Blogger what is wrong with you? Fix your mobile app and be consistent. (+Life update)

115. I Live Somewhere Else (July 20)
'Cause I can't attend D23 Expo and SDCC, here's the complete Infinity War cast list.

116. Yes fam, I'm SHOOK. (July 22)
New X-Men movie??? Nobody told me ANYTHING?!

117. Kittens (July 22)
The birth of five (July 19). Bought binders, and switching browser.

118. The Infinity Marvel Talks (July 24)
The teaser footage. But only the description, no video sorry. Bonus my fave MCU themes songs.

119. Hulk like fire (July 25)
You would not believe your eyes.

120. R u reading this (July 30)
Troye, I'm listening to your song. I want GotGvol2 gag reel, and an X-Men sweater.

August 2017

121. main daddies (August 2)
Blogging problems. But daddies aren't a problem soo... no big deal.

122. Setting up a goal! (August 6)
A goal for my blog, even if it means getting through some technical issues. And a goal for myself, go on a movie marathon, to, lose some weight? In a way, yeah. And go back to play some CPPS.

123. Pick up a bag and fill it with things (August 14)
Motivates me whenever I remember.

124. More Google cars (August 20)
Dan and Phil, thanks. We love memes.

125. d r e a m d a d d y (August 30)
I talk about the past, future, and that, you know... Oh yeah I look great.

September 2017

126. My Precious (September 5)
The hype for the future, is real. How much of Thor 3 will we get?

127. dig up dinosaurs? (September 14)
How the IT cast reminds me of my dark past. How Cinderella gives me unexpected feels. Late viewing of Marvel panels on SDCC.

128. Directory 128 (September 17)
The one you're reading right now. A complete directory with overviews.

And there you have it! The directory.

Posted at 11.28 pm YES!

This took time, obviously, that's why it took a couple of edits.
I had to publish it before midnight LOL.

Thank you to every single one of you who has been with me through this journey, for at least reading a word from one of my posts.
I hope you all enjoy your day!

-Kam is grateful :)

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