November 26, yesterday. I finally found the answer.
Answer to what? Soz, I won't tell you. But I found it.
The thing I've been wanted to know, ever since last year, now finally revealed. The thing I thought was useless, until I changed my mind on late 2014. I've been through hours on the internet to find out everything about this. Then I finally found it. I said that too many times. But I found it! :D
I wanted to post something yesterday, but I didn't have time cuz I was
So I just post it today! Before this weekend. I will be away for this weekend so I'm just gonna post now. Are you confused on reading this? Even though, maybe Blogger has a smartphone app, so I can just download it and blog when I'm away.
I don't know.
My birthday is in a month. I don't really ask anything apart from This Book Loves You, I really don't expect that I'm actually going to get anything. I don't mind if it won't be as fun as my birthdays when I was young, I don't need a party and gifts all over the place. I think I'd prefer getting nothing rather than getting stuffs I don't like and stuffs I don't know what the heck to do with. What would be okay is if I get TBLY and some money, lol.
I might actually end up spending the rest of the day on the internet, that's what I usually do.
I honestly don't know what's gonna happen, since it's the 28th of December, everyone will be having their fun holidays and I'm gonna lie on bed watching YouTube on my birthday. Well maybe I'll be on every single social media I have then see if someone's going to say happy birthday.
I'm not those type of people that are so communicative, what people know nowadays as the 'cool kids' or anything else similar. So what I meant is that my friends probably wouldn't know about my birthday. Oh wow great.
My mood right now is currently: Mixed.
I don't know why and I just don't know whatever the hell is going on in this world. Everything is happening, everything is going to happen, both the things that made me excited and the things that made me terrified if I think about them.
So yeah, I don't know.
What I haven't told you guys is that I'm (kind of) working on something. It's like a fictional story of... I don't know what it is. I haven't done it yet, I don't know when and how to continue working on it. It's like those weird novels or something, you know, the characters have really weird names, and unknown places with weird names as well.
Probably because the writer is so weird, that's how you know that I'm the writer.
I could name someone with 'Sir Doublebuttocks' or 'Queen Gumonthewall'. Would you recommend any of those names?
What is wrong with my brain
I got something even better... 'Xfazeclanfangirlpepequickscopekingmlgxx11'
You'd die reading it. So don't even expect that I'm gonna finish it.
Imma write a book. Just like every single YouTubers right now.
Participate in funding so you can help me on doing this crap, visit funding.crappybookbykam.soweird
Oh nevermind it's on pre-order.
Or if you can't do any of those, just donate for building my YouTube channel, visit donaet.thanksforasmallloanofonemillion.camerondallarz
You won't believe your eyes.
Enough crap, congratulations on surviving, leaf a comment below about how happy you are after surviving this thing, hisss. Well done.
-Kam Best selling author
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