So guess what? I'm back, right, except this time, I'm not all, ooohh I'm sorry I haven't been posting... BUT INSTEAD!
I'm actually fine with this, you know? At least I'm back. I'm not generally fine IRL-wise but I'm fine with blogging again. This is a surprise for me to feel this way but ehh... whatever.
I suppose it's better for me just not to have a posting schedule or a target each month, you know. I mean it's just stupid to expect someone like me who ain't really into commitment (but I promise I'll try when it comes to things I'm passionate about) to have a monthly target for blog posting stuff.
I try and I fail, that's what happens.
Rather, try this instead, have none of those schedules or targets and instead, instead, instead just go back when I feel like it or go back whenever the heck I want.
Blogging isn't such a big deal. For me.
Yes I see that I was in fact trying to use fancy English words like "rather" and "instead" and maybe it doesn't work, turns out even an experienced person like this one experienced person thinks that I'm not even that good at language.
So let's drop Duolingo and give up on learning German. Yeah I kinda was trying.
But where's commitment? UHHH I DON'T KNOW.
Sooo right now I'm just writing stuff down. Okay. Seems fine.
You know what, I'll tell you this; I'm on season 6 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine! Guess where the lie is? The me back then saying "oh I cannot for the life of me keep up with TV serieseresses" HAHA piece of crap, here's where you're wrong: YOU FINISHED STRANGER THINGS AND YOU'RE ALMOST DONE WITH BROOKLYN NINE-NINE AND CURRENTLY HOOKED ON THE OFFICE AND YOU WANT TO WATCH MORE!
Huh, yeah, what a piece of krap.
Anyway, maybe that's all. I understand this is slightly more all over the place and more confusing than the rest of my posts, I guess, IDK.
Understand that while I'm writing this I am also trying to harvest my plants in MeepCity so yeah I guess that isn't one of the factors.
Maybe I'll talk about my obsession with SNL on later posts? Yea maybe. I love SNL, man. Would love to visit 30 Rock one day, or to have a chance to audition would mean a lot.
Yes this is all over the place okay bye.
I promise there's nothing wrong with me I just don't know what's wrong with me right now that I have no idea if this even makes sense I'm still publishing it anyway.
-Kam yes
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