also i can just edit the last post why bother making another one?
so that it counts.
umm yeah what i was gonna say was. IW wasn't the only movie i saw while i was gone and all. i saw dp2, crazy good, love it. i saw solo as well, heckin fantastic, love it.
so that's pretty much it.
dp2 was funny and was just really a lot of fun. that was what i needed after IW. cameos and credits scenes, those are really awesome. i mean WOW. jokes are of course for someone who breaks the 4th wall a lot, wade WAS GREAT. wow i also love negasonic. cable, i love that guy. more than thanos. i mean obvs.
solo, was, fantastic. what do u call it? an anthology film? seeing han and chewie pilot the millennium falcon for the first time knowing what adventures they will soon seek, just when they sit down there REALLY BROUGHT ME TEARS I AM IN LOVE. although rogue one is still my favorite, solo was really great too.
okay so that's not exactly a good "review" but meh whtver i just wanna write down some things, i'm not a good critic anyway. i like everything. it's like every movie is enjoyable.
but dp2 and solo, those two are really up there. i love both. oh yeah and deadpool 2 is somewhere in my fave movies list.
ok bye
-Kam just seems to enjoy any kind of movie